What We Treat:

Are Thoughts of Food & Weight
Ruling Your Life?

Don't Let those Thoughts Weigh you Down!

Anorexia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa

The aim of Resilience Therapy Collaborative and the Resilience DBT-ED Recovery Program is to provide assessment and treatment for eating disorders such as anorexia/bulimia and offer our firm belief that recovery is possible. Resilience Therapy Collaborative strongly advises early detection and intervention of eating disorders, which is when the prognosis is the most favorable. For Children and Teens, early detection and immediate intervention can prevent a hospitalization.

Getting started means making an appointment for your initial consultation and individualized assessment of you or your child’s eating disorder and body image problems. Part of our evaluation is a “level of care assessment” to help determine that outpatient private therapy is the right level of care for you. As a result of the evaluation, we will offer recommendations to maximize the efficiency of your recovery or your child’s recovery.

Today, the approach that has proven to be the most effective approach , is the “Team Approach”. Your primary therapist at the Women’s Therapy Service can help coordinate your outpatient care consisting of the necessary treatment team members needed for your specific phase of recovery. This team can include outpatient eating disorder specialists and physicians from the community who are knowledgeable and sensitive in treating eating disorders.

Warning Signs of Anorexia and Bulimia:

Thinness without Vibrancy
Intense Pre-occupation with Food, Weight, and Body Size
Eliminating Food Groups
Rigid Thinking around "Healthy Eating"
Ritualistic eating behaviors
Social Withdrawal
Exercise that is Compulsive and Driven
Increased Mental Health Symptoms of Depression or Anxiety
Mood Changes such as increased irritabiility
New reluctance to eat in front of others
Dishonesty with Self and Others

Dysregulated eating patterns
Frequent bathroom trips or long showers
Compensatory behaviors such as purging, laxatives, or excessive exercise

 For Women and Girls, Weight loss accompanied by cessation of menstruation for more than 3 months

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Binge Eating Disorder
& Emotional Overeating

Binge Eating Disorder & Emotional Eating are symptoms used to self-soothe and cope with a variety of feeling states. These behaviors lead to guilt feelings, self-loathing, depression, and feeling more out of control with food. The binge/diet cycle ultimately leads to more weight gain and lowered self-esteem. This cycle cannot be cured or healed with yet another diet or weight loss surgery.

Plus size person at work in bright, open office workplace

Warning Signs of Binge Eating Disorder & Compulsive Overeating:

Constant Weight Fluctuations
Yo-yo dieting
Feeling a lack of control around food
Low Self-Esteem
Late night binging
Closet or sneak eating; hiding or hoarding food
Self-loathing in regards to overeating
Inner critical voices
Eating to the point of painful fullness
Depressed or anxious moods
Eating large amounts of food in a short amount of time (usually under two hours)

Body Image Dissatisfaction

Body Image is not how others see you, it is how you see yourself… from the inside…. in your mind’s eye. Body image is a complex, not a simple phenomenon, with many conscious and unconscious layers.

Take the ONE MINUTE Body Image Test

When you close your eyes and picture your body, what do you focus on first?….. Are your first images positive or negative?

DO FEELINGS AND THOUGHTS ABOUT YOUR BODY…. Influence your decisions to attend or avoid social situations?
Trigger restricting, binging or purging, or overeating?
Stimulate self-loathing or negative internal voices?Interfere with your relationships or career?
Prompt you to exercise or run daily, even when you are sick and over-tired?
Or prompt you to avoid exercise programs in the first place?
Cause you to obsess with, or continue with, cosmetic surgery?

If you have answered “yes” to at least half of these questions, individual and/or group therapy at Resilience Therapy may be beneficial for you. 
Resilience DBT & Eating Recovery is for Children, Adolescents, Adults

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Eating Disorders Otherwise Specified

Resilience Therapy Collaborative, LLC offers individual and group therapy for those who are deciding on weight loss surgery or having already undergone it. Prior to surgery, the more you understand about how you have come to use food for emotional reasons, the better your emotional adjustment will be afterwards.

Post-surgery, many feelings are triggered by this surgery, when food is no longer possible for suppressing feelings. People often get depressed and anxious and are not emotionally prepared. Body Image changes much slower than weight can drop and often the person is left with a new body and an old body image.

Without the proper emotional support during this process, binge eating can return with damaging effects. Some people finding that their reduced body size did not automatically bring them more fulfilling relationships, and they find themselves replacing their food addiction with new addictive behaviors, such as impulsive sexual behavior, drugs or alcohol, shopping, and even gambling to fill up empty or lonely feelings.

The key to successful adjustment to bariatric surgery is individual and/or group counseling prior to the surgery and after surgery. Bariatric patients have been integrated into our Resilience DBT-ED Recovery group program for Overcoming Emotional Eating with much success.

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Let us help you live a  life free from food & weight obsessions

Schedule Your Eating Disorder Evaluation Today
